Joanna Penn speaks of ways productive
Happy Friday!
Having trouble applying butt to chair for this week's 400 words? Here are a slew of producitivity tips from Joanna Penn and her readers:
Do not check email or social before I have done my first creation block of the day
e.g. 1500 words on latest WIP. In order to achieve this, I have removed my email app from my mobile phone and am using Antisocial software to block access to those while still allowing me on the internet for research (which I often need as I write). I started doing this at the beginning of the year, but I fell off the wagon. [Now] firmly back on it.
Read the rest of them here!
Long have I known about this tip, and yet rarely if ever have I been able to resist the siren lure of my email (and the many blogs I read) before breakfast. I've even borrowed a book about this from the library and subsequently sat on it for months. One day I will do this, though not today. Clearly.
How about you? When you are productive, how the heck do you do it?
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