Week Twenty Two: "I want to like this class, I really do..."
I wrote this in boredom (clearly) during one of John Coffee's classes: either History of the Bible or History of the U.S. Constitution. I thought he was great ("The word of the day is fustigate! F-U-S-T-I-G-A-T-E. To beat with a stick."), but I had trouble focusing during the parts of his classes that were not him telling us awesome stories.
"I want to like this class, I really do..."
Unlike Weeks Twenty and Twenty One, this was not intended to be a first line... but it could be!
Freshman-Me put it in quotation marks because he thought it had some kind of story potential, but what that might have been is beyond me now. Guess we'll just have to make something up!
Sunday, midnight, 300 words!