Reflections on Week Eleven
[Photo copyright]
This one had the potential to overwhelm me with feelings of Oh God, all the research!, as in Week Two, but in just trying to get it down ("it" being "anything at all"), my own musings about what we owe to those who suffered so that we can be here today turned into a description of a pair of statues that stands in the Downtown Crossing area of Boston.
I saw an opportunity to turn this into something compatible with a contest that intrigued me, so I created the "voicemail" framing device and blammo now it's a very short story.
I've been doing a lot of geneological research and considered going in that direction instead, but I'm not quite there yet. Someday, precious...
Anyway, read the completed story here! I'm planning to submit it by Sunday, so if you have thoughts now would be the time.