Week Eight: You are a person of little worth if you are casual with your non-verbal moments
Geez. Judgy much...?
Evidently I wrote this on December 1st, 2000—a week or two from the end of my first semester at Emerson College. It had been a rough semester, personally and interpersonally. I felt angry about some things, guilty about others. I don't remember why specifically I wrote this or what I was thinking at the time, but I do remember that I was feeling low.
Perhaps I felt that I had been casual with my non-verbal moments, and this was why I was having such a hard time of it? We may never know. Those AOL Instant Messenger chat logs are lost to time, buried in hard drives several dead computers ago.
What I do know is that this was meant as a prescription for me. In this sentiment, somewhere, was the way by which I could get back to feeling good about the future and my place in it.
So that's a starting place. Kinda. Hmm. This one will be tricky...
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