In your experience, the big moments have always had a surreal, somewhat out-of-body quality to them. When you were furiously pedaling your Huffy ten-speed bike down the hill and you hit a rock, sending you soaring not only through the air but into a busy street, you did not feel like you. Or at least, you weren’t there. You were above the scene as it unfolded, regarding it, trying to decide whether it was real, and then, finally, your hands bloody and gravel deep in your flesh, accepting that it was.
This is more or less how it felt when the time traveler found you. You were on your lunch break, enjoying a chickpea fritter from the trendy vegetarian food truck parked near your office job, when the time traveler, incredulous, spoke your name as if he already knew he was about to win the lottery.
“We’re really not supposed to do this,” he gushed, “but I cannot believe it’s really you. I have so many questions; I don’t even know where to start!”
“Hi,” you responded, your mouth full of carrot, hummus, and pickled cabbage. “Sorry, what?”
He couldn’t say exactly who or what you would become, but he said enough. You knew you would be influential to a lot of people, and that those people would go on to influence others. You would likely be rich, but more importantly, you would be powerful. When or how this would happen, the traveler could not say. But it was enough to see in his earnest manner that he was honored to meet you. That you would, someday, be great.
But how to begin? Where does one even start? Was there this opportunity or that to find and exploit, or was patience what was needed? Would all of this simply come to you in due course, or, by your knowing, and acting differently than you likely would have, was there a chance that your great future would never happen?
But waiting was impossible, now that you knew—who could be possibly content with what is when it so paled in comparison to what will come?
Let history show that you did not wait. Let it show that you seized every opportunity that came your way, and even some that did not. Let some say that you were terrible. That you were a monster. What of it?
You were great. When your last big moment comes and just before you are, truly and forever, no longer you, there will be nothing more to accept; you already know what was real.