Happy Friday!
From David Farland, a short post about finding and keeping the writerly work ethic:
Many writers [...] keep planning to write something, to become manuscript factories, but end up producing nothing at all. They dream of writing screenplays and novels, but never even write a chapter.
Obviously, I don’t want to be the kind of person who only dreams of producing manuscripts.
Between the extremes of the has-beens and the wannabes is where I hope to be. I want to be the kind of author who steadily produces something every day. I want to be a working author. I want to be bustling and busy, and keep producing.
Read the rest here!
...and speaking of, what a great time to remind you about Week Twenty One! Be the manuscript factory. And, really, a manuscript factory could put out 400 words before the workers even arrive. For this one, you only need to be a manuscript hobbiest, at best.