Week Sixteen: Characters that spontaneously break into song
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 7:14AM
Brandon in Game of Thrones, Week 16, cats, musical, singing

Welcome to the new Unwritten Word, where you also have to figure out what to make of this.

It could certainly be a musical. That seems obvious. But it could also be a story/poem/cave painting about people who just sing too damn much. Sometimes my girlfriend and I sing entire songs together like a yeowling feline. (Think the Game of Thrones cat but... much worse.) You are welcome to write about that. 

What else could you do with this? 

Since it's already Wednesday, let's set a very small, ridiculously achievable goal for this one:

At least 100 words, due 11:59pm EST this Sunday (June 23rd).

Article originally appeared on The Unwritten Word (http://www.unwrittenword.com/).
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