Week Thirty One: Story about God's favorite who falls...
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 7:31AM
Brandon in Dogma, Kevin Smith, Old Testament, Process, Week 31, ten-minute plays

Don't panic: the quotation marks above stand for "Story about." The scribbed idea before it also started with "Story about..." and so I was trying to save myself the agony of having to write it twice, which I have now done anyway, lo all these long years later.

So the complete prompt reads:

Story about God's favorite who falls, but doesn't know it.

I think originally I wanted to do some kind of epic/badass tale of a fallen archangel who's gone rogue and is still inflicting Old Testament wrath (now that I type all that out, it sounds suspiciously like the Kevin Smith movie Dogma), but this gives me an idea for a short play that could be both funny and meaningful. Pointed, even. 

Who else wants to attempt this one?

Article originally appeared on The Unwritten Word (http://www.unwrittenword.com/).
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