Week Seven: Far from the mark, but close to home...?
Sunday, September 16, 2012 at 1:42PM
Brandon in Process, Week 07, brainstorming, interviews

Week Seven's completed challenge can be found here!

The final product strayed pretty far from the original prompt, but I am learning more and more to release the reigns and see where the story goes. (And not only as a creative measure, but as a way to ensure that I don't get stuck hating the prompt and everything it represents about former-me.) 

In the brainstorming, I decided that I would lampoon a former boss of mine, but that, too, was just a launching point. The Interviewer is not my former boss; s/he's not even close. But it was very helpful to start with that as a guideline and then let my twisted sense of humor wander....

Anyway, the play is today! Reflections and Week Eight's challenge are tomorrow.

PS: I'm also thrilled to have found a script format that is painless for me and looks good on the blog. Much, much easier to code (and sexier looking!) than Week One's completed challenge.

Article originally appeared on The Unwritten Word (http://www.unwrittenword.com/).
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