Use every spare minute to write
Friday, November 2, 2012 at 1:53PM
Brandon in Inspiration, Kevin J. Anderson, NaNoWriMo, procrastination
Author Kevin J. Anderson with some timely NaNoWriMo productivity tips:
Too often I’ve heard the lame excuse, “I don’t have enough time to do a serious amount of writing, so I’ll just [insert procrastinating activity] instead.” Science fiction writer Roger Zelazny used to advise authors to “write two sentences.” Not such an insurmountable obstacle. You may really only have time to write two sentences; in other instances, though, those two sentences will lead to two more, and then two paragraphs; ten minutes later you’ll have a page done. A free ten minutes is ten minutes you could be writing. Two sentences will take you two sentences closer to finishing the manuscript.
Article originally appeared on The Unwritten Word (
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